16 October 2015

“Ivy-like” mimetic mechanism of osseointegration; LfC  scientific study enthusiastically received as part of the conference “Innovative technologies in biomedicine”; Kraków, October 12-14, 2015

Over 25 years of LfC activity is not only about innovative medical technologies, implant constructions, gaining new sales markets and cooperation with the medical community. One of the basic tasks is advanced research and development. Many times in its history, the LfC team has proven that it is able to make significant breakthroughs in the development of spinal implantology (spondyloimplantology). The latest scientific achievements of the company were presented during the 2nd International Conference Innovative Technologies in Biomedicine in Kraków; October 12-14, 2015


„Ivy-like mimetic mechanism of osteointegration LC for 3D-Frame Ti-alloy implants” (“Bluszczo-podobny mimetyczny mechanizm osteointegracji LC dla tytanowych implantów 3D-Frame”)

was given by LfC President Lechoslaw F. Ciupik. He presented the results of several years of inquiry and research into the explanation of the mechanism of osteointegration – a fundamental issue in the surgical treatment of spinal disorders using implants. The speaker once again summarized the effect of advanced research and development activities and presented the “ivy-like osteointegration mechanism” hypothesis inspired by observations of natural processes occurring in nature. The practical result of these activities is a group of 3D-Frame implants produced by LfC’s advanced technologies to increase the effectiveness of surgical treatment of the spine with successful application in clinical practice. They are part of technologies referring to the “Bridging of spine” trend inspired by LfC.

Prezes LfC Lechosław F. Ciupik podczas entuzjastycznie przyjętego wystąpienia na międzynarodowej konferencji Innovative Technologies in Biomedicine
LfC President Lechoslaw F. Ciupik during an enthusiastically received speech at the Innovative Technologies in Biomedicine international conference

LfC’s presentation was positively received and gave rise to many conversations and discussions, including behind-the-scenes and even development discussions with the specialists present at the conference. LfC, as usual, made optimal use of the opportunity to confront ongoing activities with expert opinions. Confirming the goodness of the medical technologies being developed for the surgical treatment of the spine is extremely important for the company’s R&D activities. Each positively received paper, constructive opinion, lively discussion is another step in the development of more and more effective methods of treating spinal patients around the world.

Ożywione dyskusje Lechosława F. Ciupika z obecnymi na konferencji ekspertami; z lewej strony prof. Henryk Figiel, główny inicjator i organizator konferencji
Lively discussions between Lechoslaw F. Ciupik and the experts present at the conference; from left, Prof. Henryk Figiel, the main initiator and organizer of the conference