• Cervical Plate
    • as·C·p

      Cervical plate with postoperative dynamic adaptation of stabilizer

      “as·C·p” (airscrew Cervical plate) with its anatomical shape and ”airscrew” blockade places itself among the most unique plates available on the market. The pre-bent design facilitates both adjustment and restoration of cervical lordosis in a transverse and longitudinal plane. ”Airscrew” blockade and oval holes in the plate ensure proper mounting of the stabilizer as well as its postoperative dynamic adaptation (avoiding over-rigidity). The plate comes in two types – symmetric and asymmetric – and many sizes (length and thickness). Cervical screws are self-cutting and available in different diameters and lengths.

      Moreover, the design of the plate offers additional stabilization e.g. connection with a bone block, cage, or corpectomy prosthesis via centrally mounted screws.


        • Supports treatment of the cervical spine in cases of: trauma, fracture, dislocation, luxation, and others;
        • Dynamic postoperative adaptation of stabilizer, countering the subsidence effect;

        Compatible products:
        C•DiscCs•DiscEasy SpacerC•SPACER


        • Secure and simple locking mechanism;
        • Anatomical shape;
        • Possibility to angle the screws;
        • Dynamic stabilization
        • A wide range of sizes and shapes (symmetric and asymmetric) offers proper implant selection to match patient’s anatomy;

    Clinical Cases

    “as·C·p” plate with corpectomy prosthesis



    Instruments with trials & self-cutting cervical screws

    Instrumentation with trials & self-tapping neck screws

    Example of optional stabilization